Page 23 - Important Provisions of The New Civil Code
P. 23


        Article  37.   Juridical  capacity,  which  is  the

        fitness  to  be  the  subject  of  legal  relations,  is

        inherent in every natural person and is lost only

        through  death.  Capacity  to  act,  which  is  the

        power to do acts with legal effect, is acquired

        and may be lost. (n)

        Article 38. Minority, insanity or imbecility, the

        state of being a deaf-mute, prodigality and civil

        interdiction are mere restrictions on capacity to

        act,  and  do  not  exempt  the  incapacitated

        person  from  certain  obligations,  as  when  the

        latter  arise  from  his  acts  or  from  property

        relations, such as easements. (32a)
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