Labor Law Audio Lectures

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Labor Law Audio Lectures

Labor Law Audio Lectures
Labor Law Audio Lectures
Labor Laws
     Atty. Duka (2016)
          Duka Labor Laws PART 1
          Duka Labor Laws PART 2
          Duka Labor Laws PART 3
          Duka Labor Laws PART 4
     Special Lecture in Labor Laws by Atty. Duka (2016)
          Duka Special Lecture Labor PART 2

Labor Relations
     Atty. Joselito Chan (2016)
          Chan LabRel PART 1
          Chan LabRel PART 2
          Chan LabRel PART 3
          Chan LabRel PART 4

Labor Standards
     Atty. Oswald Lorenzo (2016)
          Lorenzo LabStand PART 1
          Lorenzo LabStand PART 2
          Lorenzo LabStand PART 3
          Lorenzo LabStand PART 4

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2 thoughts on “Labor Law Audio Lectures

  • June 23, 2018 at 2:04 AM

    Thank you for all the content in your blog. Sure helps law students and bar reviewees especially those from the province.


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